Seminar Hall
Department of chemistry
IIT Madras
Seminar hall (301) at the Department of Chemistry , IIT Madras. The Department of Chemistry is among the best in India for teaching and research. Three different dynamic research centres, namely, Thematic Unit of Excellence (TUE) for nanoscience, National Centre for Catalysis Research (NCCR) and Centre for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (MRI) are set-up from this department.
How to reach us

Chennai Central Station
Distance: Approximately 18 km
Travel time: Approximately 1hr
Book Taxi/Auto (fare approx. INR 800-900) up to Campus of IIT Madras

Chennai Airport
Distance: Approximately 20 km
Travel time: Approximately 1hr
Book Taxi/Auto (fare approx. INR 900-1000) up to Campus of IIT Madras